🍰 Record for science tells us that our genetic imprint predetermines your fate, your character, your choices.

In This Round

science tells us that our genetic i does not have a debate this round.

About science tells us that our genetic i

Full team name: science tells us that our genetic imprint predetermines your fate, your character, your choices.
Short team name: science tells us that our genetic i
Emoji: 🍰
Speakers: Benjaline Supanga, Daenah Tajan, Paul Clarence D. Galimba
Eligible for break categories: Open, Novice

Feedback Returns

Round 1 Has submitted feedback for Axcel France Eco
Round 2 Has submitted feedback for Jean Wilson Buluran
Round 3 Has submitted feedback for Julien
Round 4 Has submitted feedback for Athai Roy Dwip